Oarecum asemănătoare cu Teen Wolf:Hemlock Grove, Bitten (2013),Lost Girl, mai poți încerca și True Blood, altele f. bune:Arrow, Lost, The Red Road (cu Jason Momoa), The Leftovers, The Returned/Les revenants (2012), Resurrection, The Flash, Scorpion, The Last Ship, Legends, Gotham, Tyrant, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, The Strain, Salem, Power, Murder In The First, Fargo, True Detective, Outlander, Forever, Love Child, The 100, Forever
Breaking Bad, House M.D., Prison Break, Modern family, Desperate housviwes, The mentalist, Criminal minds, True Detective, Lie to me, The Philanthropist, House of Cards, The Big C, Boardwalk Empire, Rome, Band of Brothers, Boss...
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