Cățelul meu Skip (My Dog Skip) 2000, Turner & Hooch (1989), The Truth About Cats and Dogs (1996), Prietenii copilăriei mele (Where the Red Fern Grows) 2003, The Dog Problem (2006), Bailey's Billion$ (2005), Dog Eat Dog (2001), Air Buddies (2006), Space Buddies (2009), Dog Eat Dog (2012), Because of Winn-Dixie (2005), All Roads Lead Home (2008), Miracle Dogs Too (2006), Miracle Dogs (2007), The Pooch and the Pauper (2000), Fluke (1995), Saving Shiloh (2006), Trei codițe de Crăciun (3 Holiday Tails), 2011, Cei 12 căței ai Crăciunului/The 12 Dogs of Christmas(2005), Căţeii lui Moş Crăciun/Santa Buddies (2009), The Search for Santa Paws/Prietenii lui Mos Craciun (2010), Călătoria (Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey) 1993, Chemarea străbunilor (2009), Câinii zăpezii/Snow Dogs (2002), Blănosul (The Shaggy Dog) 2006, Micul hoț (The Shaggy Dog) 1994, Year of the Dog (2007), Aventura prieteniei (1995), Ping! (2000), Şapte psihopaţi şi un câine (2012), Marley & Me (2008), Iubire necondiționată (Darling Companion) 2012, Iubita mea, cățelul ei și... eu (Heavy Petting) 2007, Firehouse Dog (2007), Cățelul buclucaș (Un cane per due) 2010
Multumesc, dar l-am vazut si sa stii chiar e frumos.
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