1. Wrong Turn
2.Black Christmas
3.Phone Book
4.Rise(evadare din mort)
5. When a strange calls
6.Case 39
7.House of Wax
8. A nightmare on elm street(ff tare l-am vazut adineauri)
9.Chain Letter
10. I know what you did last summer
11.Jenniger's Body
12. Tamara
13. One Missed Call
14. Mirrors
15.They Wait
16. Uninvaited
17.The Eye
18.The House on the left
19.The Messengers 1, 2
20.The Grudge
21.The Unborn
22.Friday the 13
23.The Crazies
24.Paranormal Activity
25. 13 hours in a warehouse
26.silent hill
27. Pulse
29. 30 days of night:dark days
30.the ghost writer
31.The house of the devil
32.Halloween 1, 2
33. Drag me to hell
34.The Calling
35. Gothika
36.The Omen
37.Room 6
38.The Dark
39. Letter from hell
40.Into the mirror
41.The Darkroom
42.The Body
43.House of 1000 corpses
45.The Gravedancers
ai grija toate sunt horror le ador :X:X:X:X:X
sper ca te-am ajutat pa-pa
1.castelul bantuit
3.vineri 13
5.casa diavolului
6.casa de ceara
7.paradise lost
8.nu va fie teama de Dark
12.destinatie finala1
13.destinatie finala 2
14.destinatie finala 3
15.destinatie finala 4
16.casa de groaza
17.casa celor 13 fantome
18. ape intunecate
toate sunt beton.
Cel mai horror film care l-am vazut mi s-a parut Creep. L-am vazut acum vreo 2 ani, dar a fost suficient ca sa mi se intipareasca in minte.Interesata ideea filmului.
Paranormal Activity
My Bloody Valentine
7enty 5ive
House of Wax
Final Destination
The Grudge
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy vs. Jason
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
le-am vazut si crede-ma merita vazute toate! la unele m-am speriat asa incat nu am mai dormit noaptea
my ex
the box
vineri 13
house of wax
house of devil
casa groazei
the grudge
Silent Hill 1 si 2 care apare acum in 2011, Jason, The ring,. Ti le-am dat pe cele mai inspaimantatoare?
The ring, Silent Hill, Jason, The Hatchet, Jennifer, Masters of Horror. Ti le-am datpe cele mai infricosatoare. fundita?
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