Filme cu adolescenti :
Remember me
A walk to remember
American Pie toate partile
The last song
A Cinderella story
Filme de groaza:
The exorcism of Emily Rose
The orphan
Scary Movie
The grudge
The messenger
The women in black
Shutter Island
The cabin in the wood
Filme romantice :
Remember me
A walkto remember
If only
Dear John
Love Story
The notebook
P.S:I love you
Pride and prejudice
Sweet november
A Cinderella story
Filme de comedie:
The dictator
The hangover 2
Friends with benefits
American Pie toate partile
Puicuta cu cocosel
Big mama
Filme de actiune:
Star Trek
Filme de aventura:
Lord of the ring
Pirates of the Carribean
Dramaunct de impact
The new guy
the back-up plane
the hangover-extraordinar-e cel mai tare
easy A-superb:!
friends with benefits:*
17 again
bad teacher
just go with it:X
johnny english, johnny english reborn
liar, liar-extraordinar
grown ups-il mai sunt o gramada
the ugly truth:X super frumos
good luck chuck-acesta merita vazut!
bruce almighty-bestial
fun with dick and jane misto
yes man:X
projec X
big momma's house- foarte frumos
sha's the man -mi a placut la nebunie
the chang-up super :*
The 40-Year-Old Virgin
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective- frumos rau
Knocked Up- si asa mi-a placut mult:X
euro-trip -belea
mean girl
Zach and Miri Make a Porno e misto:*
Step Brothers- mi a placut mult de tot
road trip
wedding crashers -frumos:X
old school:X:X
sper sa-ti placa pentru ca sunt superbe:*
Despre dragoste si alte aiureli
The Vampire Diaries
Green Lantern.
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Seria Resident Evil
Seria Lord of the Rings
Seria Alien
John Carter
Clash of the Titans
King Kong
The Shawshank Redemption
The Godfather 1
The godfather 2
End of Watch
The devil's advocate
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill Vol.1
Kill Bill Vol.2
Inglorios Bastards
Fight Club
Somebody Up THere Likes Me
The expendables 1
The expendables 2
Sherlock Holems 1
Sherlock holems 2
Star wars 1, 2, 3
Batman begins
The dark knight
The dark knight rises
The lord of the rings 1, 2, 3
Harry Potter (toate)
Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter
Back to the future 1, 2, 3
Indiana jones (toate)
Matrix 1
Matrix 2
V for Vendatta
Real steel
The hunger Games
THe social Network
Transformers1, 2,3
Planet Apes
Rise of the planet apes
X-men (toate)
It's all gone Pete Tong
You dont know jack
Never back down 1, 2
Toate vizionate si le racomand
Brave,Hotaru no haka,WALL·E, Ratatouille,The Incredibles,How to Train Your Dragon,Madagascar,Despicable Me, Megamind,Coraline,Up,Ice Ace,Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs,The Pirates! Band of Misfits,A Christmas Carol
Si filme:
The Dictator,Arthur,The Sorcerers Apprentice,Age Of The Dragons, Oliver Twist, Mr Popper's Penguins, Blood And Bone, Real Steel, The Avengers, The Chronicles of Riddick, The Mist, Wrath.of.the.Titans,A Beautiful Mind, Sherlock Holmes.
The ring; drag me to hell; fast and furios12345; mirrors; final destination12345;
Incearca 13 fantome. E foarte fain filmul. E thriller-dar nu unul cu care sa nu mai dormi la noapte e fain.
As vrea sa ma uit la the dark knight... am vazut spider-man si sunt surprins la cat de fain a fost... a vazut cineva si spider-man si the dark knight sa imi zica care dintre ele este mai bun?
Двойная жизнь Чарли Сан-Клауда, Последняя песня, Мальчикам это нравится, Лето. Одноклассники. Любовь, Дневник памяти (asta e cel mai super), Поцелуй на удачу, Командный дух, Свидание со звездой, Голубая лагуна, Папе снова 17
1. Batman
2. Spider-man
3. Dresat sa ucida
4. Van Helesing
5. Fulger McQueen
6. Madagascar
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