1 Pokémon: The Original (Seria 1)
1.1 Sezon 1: Indigo League
1.2 Sezon 2: The Adventures in the Orange Islands
1.3 Sezon 3: The Johto Journeys
1.4 Sezon 4: Johto League Champions
1.5 Sezon 5: Master Quest
2 Pokémon: Advanced Generation (Seria 2)
2.1 Sezon 6: Advanced
2.2 Sezon 7: Advanced Challenge
2.3 Sezon 8: Advanced Battle
2.4 Sezon 9: Battle Frontier
3 Pokémon: Diamond & Pearl (Seria 3)
3.1 Sezon 10: Diamond and Pearl
3.2 Sezon 11: Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension
3.3 Sezon 12: Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles
3.4 Sezon 13: Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors
4 Pokémon: Best Wishes! (Seria 4)
4.1 Sezon 14: Black & White
4.2 Sezon 15: Black & White: Rival Destinies
5 Sezon special: Chronicles
Astea ar fi toate.
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