| Alin933 a întrebat:

Îmi spuneți si mie niste filme horror mai noi?

Răspuns Câştigător
| faramatania a răspuns:

The Autopsy Of Jane Doe (2016),Fender Bender (2016),Lights Out (2016),Don't Breathe (2016),The Neon Demon (2016),The Eyes Of My Mother (2016),Incarnate (2016),The Veil (2016),The Wrong Car (2016),Trash Fire (2016),Tell Me How I Die (2016),Friend Request (2016),Worry Dolls (2016),The Boy (2016),10 Cloverfield Lane (2016),Cell (2016)

3 răspunsuri:
| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

The Conjuring 2 e foarte fain.

| Unicorn1234509876 a răspuns:

Hmmm...Care ți le dau acum nu sunt chiar noi, dar nu mai dormi noaptea de la ele.Te asigur
The Texas chainsaw massacre
Lights out
Saw 1( la asta m-am uitat de 5 ori)
The woman in black
The conjuring 2
The exorcist(asta ți-l recomand, nu mai dormi o luna)

| Clorox a răspuns (pentru Unicorn1234509876):

The exorcist. Nu mai dorm o luna? Bit*h, please, am ras cu lacrimi la el laughing

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