Insidious (1, 2 si 3), The conjuring, The orphan, Wrong Turn (toate partile), Hatchet (toate partile), Mama, The exorcist, Jessabelle, A nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13, Final destination (toate partile).Eu pe acestea le recomand si sper sa iti placa.Succes si vizionare placuta!
Insidious 1, 2 și 3 (2010/2013/2015), Drag Me To Hell (2009),The Unborn (2009),Case 39 (2009),Martyrs (2008),The Cabin In The Woods (2012),My Bloody Valentine (2009),Wrong Turn (seria), Inbred (2011),Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013),The Mist (2007),The Wicked (2013),The Quiet Ones (2014),Oculus (2013),Friday The 13th (2009),Cabin Fever 1 și 2 (2002/2009), Stitch (2014),The Woman In Black (2012),Sinister (2012),Haunt (2013),13 Sins (2014),Mischief Night (2014),Scary Or Die (2012),Catacombs (2007),Playback (2012),Beneath The Darkness (2011),Beneath (V) (2013),7500 (2014),The Descent (2005),The Strangers (2008),You're Next (2011),Deliver Us From Evil (2014),Jeepers Creepers 1 și 2 (2001/2003),Haunted (Dark House 2014), Leprechaun: Origins (2014),Open Grave (2013),Modus Anomali (2012),Antiviral (2012),The Appearing (2014),The Conjuring (2013),Annabelle (2014),The Canal (2014),Animal (2014),Devil's Due (2014),Rosemary's Baby (2014/miniserie),Come Back To Me (2014),The Babadook (2014),Aux yeux des vivants (2014),See No Evil 2 (2014),Death Do Us Part (2014),Altar (2014),The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014),Exists (2014),VANish (2015),The Woman In Black 2: Angel Of Death (2015),Grace (2014),The Scarehouse (2015),When Animals Dream (2014),The Last House On Cemetery Lane (2015),Nightlight (2015),The Devil’s Hand (2014),Demonic (2015),The Lazarus Effect (2015),Let Us Prey (2014),Kristy (2014),It Follows (2014)
Wrong turn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6
The hills have eyes 1, 2
Yeti:curse of the snow devil
Drag me to hell
From the dark
Vineri 13
Wolf Creek 1, 2
Rest Stop 1, 2
Jeepers Creepers 1, 2
House of haunted hill 1, 2
Haunting of Whaley house
Paranormal activity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The conjuring
The Pyramid. Vizionare placuta!
Uite unul
Dead Silence
A nightmare on ElmStreet
Friday 13
The Grudge
Texas Chainsaw Masacre
The Exorcist
Paranormal Activity
Vechi dar bune
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