Uite iti dau cele mai BUNE filme pe care le-am vazut si dupa care am avut cosmaruri nu stiu cate nopti...Sunt cam multe dar nah...
1. The Walking Dead (2010) 7.7
2. The Devil's Advocate - Pact cu Diavolul (1997) 7.6
3. Aliens (1986) 7.6
4. Supernatural (2005) 7.6
5. Shutter (2004) 7.6
6. The X Files - Dosarele X (1993) 7.5
7. I Am Legend - Legenda vie (2007) 7.5
8. Priest - Priest : Razbunătorul (2011) 7.3
9. Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles - Interviu cu un vampir: Cronicile Vampirilor (1994) 7.3
10. The Vampire Diaries (2009) 7.3
11. Sleepy Hollow - Legenda calaretului fara cap (1999) 7.3
12. Final Destination (2000) 7.3
13. The Birds - Pasarile (1963) 7.2
14. Twin Peaks (1990) 7.2
15. Underworld - Lumea de dincolo (2003) 7.2
16. Constantine - Constantin (2005) 7.2
17. The Others - Ceilalti (2001) 7.2
18. Predator (1987) 7.2
19. American Psycho (2000) 7.2
20. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans - Lumea de dincolo 3 : Revolta Lycanilor (2009) 7.1
21. The Addams Family - Familia Addams (1991) 7.1
22. 1408 - Camera 1408 (2007) 7.1
23. True Blood (2008) 7.1
24. The Jacket - Camasa de forta (2005) 7.1
25. Resident Evil - Resident Evil: Experiment Fatal (2002) 7.1
26. Underworld: Evolution - Lumea de Dincolo 2: Evolutia (2006) 7
27. Final Destination 2 - Destinatie Finala 2 (2003) 7
28. From Hell - Din Iad - Jack Spintecatorul (2001) 6.9
29. The Mummy - Mumia (1999) 6.9
30. The Rite - Ritualul (2011) 6.9
31. The Wolfman - Omul lup (2010) 6.9
32. Stigmata (1999) 6.9
33. Saw 3D (2010) 6.9
34. Jacob's Ladder - Scara lui Jacob (1990) 6.8
35. Frágiles - Oase Fragile (2005) 6.8
36. The Mummy Returns - Mumia Revine (2001) 6.8
37. Dracula: Dead and Loving It - Dracula: Un mort iubaret (1995) 6.8
38. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 6.8
39. Michael Jackson: Video Greatest Hits - HIStory (1995) 6.8
40. Jaws - Falci (1975) 6.8
41. Resident Evil: Extinction - Resident Evil: Disparitia (2007) 6.8
42. Hannibal Rising - Hannibal : In spatele mastii (2007) 6.8
43. Dracula (1992) 6.7
44. The Exorcist - Exorcistul (1973) 6.7
45. Secret Window - Fereastra secreta (2004) 6.7
46. Scream - Scream - Tipi... sau fugi! (1996) 6.7
47. Mindhunters - Minti ucigatoare (2004) 6.7
48. Wolf - Lupul (1994) 6.7
49. El orfanato - Orfelinatul (2007) 6.7
50. 28 Days Later... (2002) 6.7
51. Alien: Resurrection (1997) 6.7
52. Let Me In (2010) 6.7
53. Final Destination 3 - Destinatie Finala 3 (2006) 6.7
54. Jurassic Park III (2001) 6.7
55. Joy Ride - Gluma mortala (2001) 6.7
56. The Girl Next Door (2007) 6.6
57. The Exorcism of Emily Rose - Un caz de exorcizare (2005) 6.6
58. The Fourth Kind (2009) 6.6
59. Saw III - Puzzle mortal 3 (2006) 6.6
60. Blade (1998) 6.6
61. Total Recall (1990) 6.6
62. Orphan - Orfana (2009) 6.6
63. The Final Destination - Destinatie finala 4 (2009) 6.6
64. Freakdog - Red Mist (2008) 6.6
65. The Amityville Horror - Amityville (2005) 6.6
66. Fringe (2008) 6.6
67. Diabolique (1996) 6.6
68. Alien (1979) 6.6
69. Van Helsing (2004) 6.6
70. Moonlight (2007) 6.6
71. Gothika (2003) 6.6
72. The Last House on the Left - Ultima casă pe stânga (2009) 6.5
73. The Hills Have Eyes II (2007) 6.5
74. What Lies Beneath - Dincolo de aparente (2000) 6.5
75. Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Resident Evil 2: Apocalipsa (2004) 6.5
76. Long Weekend (2008) 6.5
77. The Ninth Gate - A noua poarta (1999) 6.5
78. Case 39 - Cazul 39 (2009) 6.5
79. The Brothers Grimm - Fratii Grimm (2005) 6.5
80. Gabriel (2007) 6.5
81. The Zodiac (2005) 6.5
82. Saw V - Puzzle mortal 5 (2008) 6.5
83. A Perfect Getaway (2009) 6.5
84. Zombieland - Bun venit in Zombieland (2009) 6.5
85. The Box - Cutia (2009) 6.5
86. 28 Weeks Later (2007) 6.5
87. The Tattooist (2007) 6.5
88. Cape Fear - Promontoriul groazei (1991) 6.5
89. Låt den rätte komma in - Legaturi de singe (2008) 6.5
90. Dawn of the Dead - Dimineata mortii (2004) 6.5
91. Hide and Seek - De-a v-ati ascunselea (2005) 6.5
92. Saw IV - Puzzle mortal IV (2007) 6.5
93. The Outer Limits (1995) 6.5
94. The Fly - Musca (1986) 6.5
95. Saw - Puzzle mortal (2004) 6.5
96. Mirrors - Oglinzi malefice (2008) 6.5
97. Grace (2009) 6.4
98. Blade II (2002) 6.4
99. The Lovely Bones - Din Raiul meu (2009) 6.4
100. Michael Jackson: HIStory on Film - Volume II (1997)
offf... mi-a luat mult timp sa ti se scriu si sa mi le amintesc pe toate... funda? sper ca te-am ajutat
Scuzatima, dar mi-ati dat o gramada de denumiri, eu am vrut doar intre 5-10 va multumesc mult :*
Splice,Mega Piranha (2010), Devils Playground,Wraiths Of Roanoke, Lake Placid 3, 30 Days Of Night Dark Days,Haunting Of Winchester House,Wolf Moon,Survival Of The Dead,A Nightmare On Elm Street,Knife Edge,Zombies Of Mass Destruction,The Crazies, A Nightmare On Elm Street 2, 13 Hours in a Warehouse, Boogeyman 3, The Morgue, The Devil’s Tomb...iti mai sp daca vrei
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