Diabolique (1996), The Birds (1963), Santa sangre (1989), They Live (1988), Bedevilled (2010), From Dusk Till Dawn (2014)...
Insidious 1,2 și 3 (2010/2013/29 Mai 2015), Case 39 (2009),The Woman In Black (2012),Sinister (2012),Mama (2013),The Babadook (2014),//The Woman In Black 2: Angel Of Death (20 02 2015), Sinister 2 (Aug. 2015)
Haunting of Whaley house
Paranormal activity (Seria)
Wrong turn (seria ) - 2 e cel mai tare
A haunted house 1, 2 ar merge
Cabin fever
Cabin in the woods
Yeti:curse of the snow devil
Tarata in iad. VIzionare placuta!
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