Filme:The First Time (2012),The Spectacular Now (2013),She's The Man (2006),The Perks Of Being A Wallflower (2013),The Art Of Getting By (2011),3MSC 1 și 2 (2010/2012),Easy A (2010),17 Again (2009),Picture This (2008),Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008),The Kings Of Summer (2013),The Bling Ring (2013),As Cool As I Am (2013),Very Good Girls (2013),StarStruck (2010),The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 1 și 2 (2005/2008),Wild Child (2008),Mean Girls 1 și 2 (2004/2011),Lost And Delirious (2001),G.B.F. (2013),Footloose (2011),The Clique (2008),Monte Carlo (2011),Detroit Rock City (1999),Mallrats (1995),Dazed And Confused (1993), Dirty Deeds (2005),Can't Hardly Wait (1998),Teen Spirit (2011),Angus, Thongs And Perfect Snogging (2008),Behaving Badly (2014),Alpha House (2014),Date And Switch (2014),The Inbetweeners 1 și 2 (2011/2014),House Party (seria/1990/1991/1994/2001/2013),Pitch Perfect (2012),Pitch Perfect 2 (2015),Two Night Stand (2014),Expelled (2014),The DUFF (2015)
Seriale:Awkward,Blue Mountain State, Shameless, The O.C., The Carrie Diaries, Hellcats, Finding Carter
Instrumente mortale:Orașul oaselor, super tare filmul, sunt foarte pretențioasă când e vorba de un film, îmi plac filmele bune iar ăsta chiar ti-l recomand mai ales cât de frumoși sunt actorii principali *.*
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