Http:// Uite, chiar 13! :>
The ring :X
Dawn of dead
The catacombs
Drag me to hell
The mirrors
The exorcist
Final Destination
The Unborn
silent hill
The orphan
Mirrors 2
drag me to hell
the house of 100 corpses
astea sunt cele care cred eu ca sunt de calitateb-)
have a nice day! byebye
When a stranger`s call
Dark Water
Vineri 13
One miss call
The exorcistIII
Cirque du Freak-The Vampire`s Assistant
Dead Silence
The wolfman
Queen of the damned
Saw VI
The Attic
Casa celor 13 fantome
The happening
The final destination
Paranormal Activity
The grudge 3
Eu le-am vazut.Merita
Pai iti recomand seriile filmelor saw, pe mine chiar m'au speriat adica am ramas uimita dupa fiecare film.
Bafta, si numai bine!
Am vazut eu unul. da e fffffff sangeros daca vrei sa te uiti se numeste The Hills Run Red (Dealurile Mortii)... ti-l recomand din toata inima
ai mai putea sa te uiti la : the uninvited, the grudge, my bloody valentine, the last house on the left, silent hill, trick 'r treat... sper sa-ti placa
The ring, scary movie, paranormal activity, psiho, city of the living dead ...sau daca vrei sa fie amuzant scary movie
Salut! Iti sugerez 'Ghost ship' mie, m-i se pare de calitate, ramane tu sa decizi.
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