Tengo Nadas De Ti este super tare si vezi daca te uiti la el cauti si partea a II-a ca nu-mi mai amntesc cum se chema oricum e prea smecher filmul vizionare placuta
Now Is Good
Beautiful Creatures
Upside Down
The First Time
Safe Haven
The Vow
Dear John
The Last Song
The Holiday
Never Let Me Go
A Walk To Remember
Remember Me
If Only
One day
Midnight In Paris
The Notebook
Sweet November
Now Is Good
First Daughter
Definitely, Maybe
Waiting For Forever
Silver Linings Playbook
Wild Child
A Cinderella Story
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Warm Bodies
Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist
Pitch Perfect
27 Dresses
Friends With Benefits
10 Things I Hate About You
Vizionare Placuta!
Iti recomand sa vizionezi: The words, The Notebook, Now is good, Ps. I love you, The Vow, If only, Remember me, Sweet november
Iti spun filmele de dragoste pe care le-am vazut de curand si care mi s-au parut frumoase : A walk to remember,Dear John,The last song,The notebook,If only,My sassy girl,Friends with benefits, The first time, Titanic, Sweet November, Remember Me.
Dear John,Atonement,PS:i love you, Letters to Juliet, Keith , If only, The notebook şi să nu uit de A walk to remember! Fundă?
The First Time este foarte frumos si ti-as recomanda "The Girl with A Pearl Earring", amandoua sunt filme de dragoste
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