Texas Chainsaw 3D
The Cabin In The Woods
Grave Encounters 1 și 2
Drag Me To Hell
Friday The 13th
Thir 13en Ghosts
The Ruins
Wolf Creek
Wrong Turn (seria)
[Rec] seria
The Wicked
No One Lives
Would You Rather
Truth Or Die (Dare)
13 Eerie
Nothing Left To Fear
Evil Dead (2013),Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013),The Purge (2013),Carrie (2013),Warm Bodies (2013),Mama (2013),World War Z (2013),The Conjuring (2013),Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013),Stoker (2013),Dark Skies (2013),The Wicked (2013),Dark Circles (2013),7500 (2013),The Last Exorcism Part II (2013),The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia (2013),BioShock (2013),Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013),Curse of Chucky (2013).
Mai multe exemple pe: http://www.cinemagia.ro/
Vreau sa mentionez ca lista de mai sus este creata de mine.Probabil o sa existe persoane care o sa dea copy-paste, deci va rog fara jigniri!
Bănuiesc că se vor regăsi și filme deja vizionate de tine!
Dark Skies
The Possession
Chernobyl Diaries
The Cabin In The Woods
Bad Milo
The Conjuring
Haunter (povestea e awsome)
Cam asta mi-a trecut prin minte, toate cele de mai sus au fost vizionate de mine și garantez că o să-ți placă, dacă nu foarte mult dar va fi ce trebuie!
Vizionare Plăcută!
-The ring
-Chucky papusa ucigasa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6
-Let me in
-The Descent
-The Unborn
-The Exorcism of Emily Rose
-The grudge
-28 Days Later
Let Me In si Let The Right One I SAW Sinister The Exorcism of Emily Rose
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