N-am vazut serialul, dar din titlu sunt convins ca nu e cu razboi.
The Hobbit
Kingdom Of Heaven
King Arthur
Star Wars
The Matrix
Indiana Jones
Star Trek
The Last Samurai
Batman Begins
The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
Robin Hood
Cele mai geniale filme cu razboi sunt Pearl Harbor si Saving Private Ryan. As putea sa vad filmele aste de 287462 de ori si tot nu m-as plictisi de ele.
Filme: Gladiator, We were soldiers, Brave Heart, Kingdom of heaven, Black hawk down, Saving private Ryan, Stalingrad (film german realist, foarte bun) Enemy at the gates, Pearl Harbor, The Thin Red Line, War horse, Tears of the Sun, Das boot, Windtalkers, Saints and Soldiers, Der Untergang, Letters from Iwo Jima, Red Tails, The red Baron, The Patriot, Arn – The Knight Templar si multe altele pe care mi-e lene sa le scriu acum, da-i cu goagle "war movies"
Seriale: Pacific, Band of brothers, Spartacus
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