The virgin suicides
Easy A
Triple dog
The sisterhood od the traveling pants
Nu sunt aiureli, din filmele astea chiar ai ce invata.
Astea sunt mai noi, si crede-ma sunt minunate.:x
Ca serial iti recomand Pretty little liars:
E superb serialul.Are de toate:adolescenti, mister, horror, romance, drama, etc.
Ti-l recomand, iti va placea sigur.:)
Another Cinderella Story
A Cinderella Story
The last song
Hight School Musical 1 2 si 3
Camp Rock 1 si 2 etc multe multe
Uite cateva:
17 again
american virgin
an wilder :freshman year
super sweet 16
it's a boy girl thing
wild child
mean girl
what a girl wants
the breakfast club
confession of a teenage drama queen
american pie
not another teen movie
hooking up
raise your voice
step up
my best friends girl
the Lizzie McGuire movie
boys and girls
the girl next door
surf school
10 things i hate about you
freaky friday
cow belles
sydney white
material girl
the good girl
13 going on 30
miss march
legally blondes
picture this
youth in revolt
whatever it takes
dr Dolittle tail on the chief
foreign exchange
bring it on (toate)
A Cinderella story
Another Cinderella story
Sper sa iti placa si sa fie ceea ce vrei tu.
American Pie
Mean Girls - e un clasic pentru filmele cu adolescenti, Linsday Lohan inainte sa o ia pe aratura
Bring it on - sunt vreo 5 filme
Easy A - e nou, cu Emma Stone
Her minor thing
Sydney white - cu Amanda Bynes
Princess diaries - Anne Hathaway
New york minute - gemenele Olsen
Ice princess
She’s the man - Amanda Bynes, Channing Tatum
The sisterhood of travelling pants - Blake Lively din gossip girls
Cadet Kelly - Hilary Duff
Material girls - Hilary Duff
Devil wears Prada - Anne Hathaway
13 going on 30 - Jennifer garner
Aquamarine - Jojo (cantareata straina) cu Emma Roberts
Hairspray - Amanda Bynes
Cinderella story - Hilary Duff
Another Cinderella story - Selena Gomez
Bratz the movie
Legally blondes - doua gemene
Cheaper by the dozen
Princess protection program
Wild child
Step up
Freaky Friday
Perfect man
Lizzie movie
The hottie and the nottie
Bride wars
Ghost of girlfriends past
American virgin
10 things I hate about you
Dance flick - parodie
Disaster movie - parodie
The house bunny
Multumesc pentru raspunsuri!
Toate sunt Super sunt sigura ca ma voi uita la ele pentru ca sunt genul meu.
ii voi da funda lui AG pentru ca a fost prima si filmul e super ok
si pentru ceilalti folositor!
Trebuie sa vezi neaparat:
Weekend cu mama
Sa-l cunoastem pe Colin Firth
Confesiunile unei sociopate
Mr & Mrs Smith
Tangled [animatie, dar bun]
Where the Wild Things Are
The Good Wife
The Devil Wears Prada
Eat, Pray, Love
Astea sunt ultimele filme geniale vazute de mine.
Sper sa iti placa
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