Pai daca tu vrei asta bine:
1- killer clowns from outer space
2- city of the living dead
3- return of the living dead
4- gremlins
5- jason x
6- scanners
7- evil dead part 1
8- terror at the opera. aka opera
9- zombie – Lucio Fulci
10- ichi the killer
11- Suspiria
12- the thing -john carpenter
13- the exorcist
Dar cel mai scarry film e "exorcism of emily rose" pentru ca e dupa adevar si exista poze si inregistrari posedate cu ea.
You're Very Welcome, Hun!
Black Christmas
Infern de ziua indragostitilor
Number 23
13 fridayst
Freddy vs Jason ( asta e cam vechi)
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