| cefaciboss a întrebat:

Spuneti un film horror ca Friday 13'th Va rog

4 răspunsuri:
| faramatania a răspuns:

Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013),Coffin Baby (2013),Black Christmas (2006),Wrong Turn (seria), Inbred (2011),My Bloody Valentine (2009)

| Sn4k3 a răspuns:

Wrong Turn 1-6
The Hills Have Eyes 1, 2
House of Wax
Hostel 1, 2, 3
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1-3 si Leatherface
Cabin Fever 1-3 si cel din 2016
Vacancy 1, 2
Wolf Creek 1, 2 si serialul Wolf Creek
Jeepers Creepers 1-3
The Cabin in the Woods
The Strangers
Get Out
Seria Saw
See no evil 1, 2
Halloween 1-3
The Collector 1, 2
Rest Stop 1, 2
The Helpers
The Ruins
Anaconda 1, 2
Creep 1, 2
The Pyramid
The Cave
The Descent 1, 2
Joy Ride 1-3
And Soon The Darkness
Eden Lake
Last house on the left
The Breed
30 Days of Night 1, 2
The Hills Run Red
Abandoned Mine

| teo530 a răspuns:

Filmele Halloween (criminalul este Michael Myers).Dar nici Friday 13'th nici Halloween nu este prea horror. Daca vrei horror uită-te la The Ring 1, 2, 3; The conjuring 1, 2, 3; Annabelle 1, 2; Sinister 1, 2; Insidious 1, 2, 3, 4; Femeia în negru 1, 2; Dead silence; Nu stinge lumina; Msterul gemenilor; Wrong turn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7; Jeppers Creppers 1, 2, 3; Mama 1, 2; The shtock labyrinth; Creatura; Oculus; Purge1, 2,3The grudge 1, 2, 3; Spânzurătoarea; Ouija 1, 2; Mesagerii 1, 2.Succes!

| Attic96 a răspuns:

It, dupa parerea mea e cel mai fain film 2017 din punct de vedere al claritatii/acorilor/povestii.