Nu ai sa gasesti asa ceva eu nu am vazut in viata mea. Filmele noastre erau traduse vocal dupa 1989 nu prin bara de scris. Regimul nostru dinainte(comunistii) nu permitea asa ceva. Ai putea sa-ti faci niste prieteni ca sa poti dialoga cu ei. Inveti cel mai repede asa. Acum nu stiu daca poti acest lucru daca esti izolat pe undeva pe la tara. Daca vei gasi prieteni sa ai grija sa nu fie tigani. Mult succes.
You will not find this. I have not seen in my life. Our films were vocally translated after 1989 not through the writing bar. Our pre-communist regime did not allow us to do so. You could make some friends to talk to them. Learn the fastest way like this. Now I do not know if you can do this if you are isolated somewhere in the country. If you find friends to be careful not to be gypsies. Good luck.
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