Filme romantice:
-Cabina de saruturi.
-My perfect romance.
Filme comedie:
-. Knives out / La cutite
Gen: comedie de familie
Premiera: 3 ianuarie 2020
- Filmul Patrik
A moment to remember 2004
Before sunrise 1995
City of angels 1998
Love me not 2006
More than blue 2009
P.S. I love you 2008
The war of the roses 1989
American pie 1999
Coneheads 1994
Don't be a menace 1996
Deadpool 2016
Home alone 1990
Knocked up 2008
Trainspotting 1996
Uncle Buck 1989
Vacation 2015
Zootopia 2016
Zombieland 2009
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