| ManuBarosanu a întrebat:

Un film asemanator cu push, i am nb four, jamper, cronicii?

2 răspunsuri:
| Raven a răspuns:

Nu-mi dau seama unde ar trebui să se încadreze, ce au în comun: non comic book superheroes, superputeri dobândite întâmplător, eroi de pe alte planete?
Firestarter (1984), Mystery Men (1999), Sky High (2005), Zoom (2006), The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising (2007), Hancock (2008), Race to Witch Mountain (2009), Looper (2012), Antboy (2013), Lucy (2014), Project Almanac (2015), Jupiter Ascending (2015), They Call Me Jeeg (2015), Midnight Special (2016), Power Rangers (2017), Carrie (1976, 2002, 2013), serialul Sense8

| faramatania a răspuns:

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones (2013),The Last Keepers (2013),Rubinrot (2013),Saphirblau (2014),Smaragdgrün (2016),The Covenant (2006),One And Two (2015),, serial Impulse (2018)