In Your Eyes (2014),Bird People (2014),Magic In The Moonlight (2014),Third Person (2014),The Best Of Me (2014),Boyhood (2014),The Theory Of Everything (2014),Big Eyes (2014),The Imitation Game (2014),Hotel Noir (2012),The Face Of Love (2013),Fruitvale Station (2013),The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014),The Captive (2014), A Long Way Down (2014),Predestination (2014),The Fault In Our Stars (2014),If I Stay (2014),St. Vincent (2014),White Bird In A Blizzard (2014),Love,Rosie (2014),The Rover (2014),The November Man (2014),Gone Girl (2014),The Judge (2014),Left Behind (2014),Tell (2014),A Million Ways To Die In The West (2014),The Signal (2014),Laggies (2014),John Wick (2014),Cake (2014),Lucy (2014),Seventh Son (2014),Before I Go To Sleep (2014),Transcendence (2014),The Prince (2014),Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2014),Road To Paloma (2014),The Anomaly (2014),Cold in July (2014),Nightcrawler (2014),Vice (2015),Wild Card (2015),Taken 3 (2015),The Wedding Ringer (2015),The Boy Next Door (2015),Blackhat (2015),Mortdecai (2015),Jupiter Ascending (2015),88 (2015),Accidental Love (2015)
The Elephant Man (1980), Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2009), Dead Poets Society (1989), Cidade de Deus (2002), The World's Fastest Indian (2006), The Ledge (2011), The Bucket List (2007), Le renard et l'enfant (2007), Bridge to Terabithia (2007), Malèna (2000), The Dreamers (2003), Bitter Moon (1992), Magnolia (1999), Gia (1998), Good Will Hunting (1997), Powder (1995), Chocolat (2000), The Green Mile (1999), The Shawshank Redemption (1994), Django Unchained (2012), Schindler's List (1993), Amour (2012), The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008), August Rush (2007), Fight Club (1999), Drive (2011), Léon: The Professional (1994), Gandhi (1982), Ondskan (2003), The Reader (2008), Cinderella Man (2005), Naked (1993), Forrest Gump (1994), Agora (2009), The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011), Out of Africa (1985), In The Mood For Love (2000), My Girl (1991), Cadillac Records (2008), Pay it forward (2000), War Horse (2011), Open Road (2013), The Hurricane (1999), Melancholia (2011), Vă place Brahms? - Goodbye Again (1961), Somewhere in Time (1980), All The Invisible Children (2005), The Great Dictator (1940), Dancer In The Dark (2000), Dogville (2003), Blue Velvet (1986), Amelia (2003), Les chansons d'amour (2007), An Unfinished Life (2005), The Legend of 1900 (1998), Once Upon a Time in America (1984), Samsara (2011), Foxfire (1996), Birdman (2014), The Imitation Game (2014), The Theory of Everything (2014), Gone Girl (2014), Still Alice (2014), Wild (2014), Big Eyes (2014), Mandariinid (2013), The Drop (2014), Bedevilled (2010), 8½ (1963), Babel (2006)...
Instinct cu Anthony Hopkins
Nu te uita la gen, ca e catalogat aiurea. E un film pe care trebuie orice om sa il vada - nu e psihologic sa iti incalcesti creierul, nu e horror, actiune sau crima, sau filme siropoase. E vorba desprea realitate, dar ma ibine vezi tu, la final, nu vei regreta ca l-ai vazut!
Secret (Secret Love) e foarte frumos si actorii sunt geniali
Kill me heal me- e foarte amuzant si actorii principali sunt cei de la filmul de mai sus Secret.El sufera de o boala are mei multe personalitati
City hunter-
Liar game -
Bad Guys kdrama este un serial de 11 episoade, dar merita vazut, eu l-am terminat intr-o zi :X:X
God's Gift 14 days [este vorba despre o mama care i se rapeste copilul si primeste de la Dumnezeu 14 zile inapoi de la rapirea copilului ei ...In astea 14 zile ea incearca cu orice pret sa-si salveze fetita si sa-i schimbe destinul].e foarte frumos
Phantom/Ghost [kdrama]
Donnie Darko nu-ti pun o lista de 1000 de filme pe care nici macar titlul nu le-ai fi citit, am pus doar primul film care mi-a venit in minte sper sa te uiti la el.
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