The pianist (un film profund merita vazut), la vitta e bella amandoua sunt inspirate din povesti reale si resprezinta vremurile nazismului si cum erau tratati atunci evreii, the perfect man un film superb care te invata sa pretuiesti ce ai langa tine si care iti ramane in inima
Vizionare placute daca le alegi
Wild chaild,foxfire,make your move,step up,pitch perfect, blood father, nerve, triplu x, honey.
What Happened To Monday (2017),altele bune:The Circle (2017),Colossal (2017),American Pastoral (2016),Nocturnal Animals (2016),Brimstone (2016),iBoy (2017),Captain Fantastic (2016),Self/less (2015),La La Land (2016)