Horror:Walking Dead,Shutter Island,Help,Julya's Eyes,Wesley Spines,Maskerade,La possesion de Ema Evans,Eclipsa,Insidious,Shelter,Djinns,Saw,Resident Evil,Cosmar(Helm Street),Wolf Man,Troll Hunter, Paranormal Activity2, Wir sind die Nacht,Asistentul Vampirului,The Shrine,BlackDeath,Help US,Demon, Lost Boys, H1n1:Virus X, Fritt Vilt 3, Let me In,Predators,Camp Hope,Bear,Hisss,Gacy House,The Ward,The Traveler, The Dark Lurking, Casa celor 13 fantome,etc.; comedie:FootLoose,Arthur Christmas(acum ca vine si Craciunul,Johny English Reborn,Thank You,The Emperor's Children, Crazy Stupid Love, 50/50, Nailed,Manuale d`am3re,Paladin,Just Go With It,Madea's Big Happy Family, Monte Carlo, The Change Up(asta`i fenomenal
) ). Sper ca te-am ajutat.O zi buna!
Horror:Walking Dead,Shutter Island,Help,Julya's Eyes,Wesley Spines,Maskerade,La possesion de Ema Evans,Eclipsa,Insidious,Shelter,Djinns,Saw,Resident Evil,Cosmar(Helm Street),Wolf Man,Troll Hunter, Paranormal Activity2, Wir sind die Nacht,Asistentul Vampirului,The Shrine,BlackDeath,Help US,Demon, Lost Boys, H1n1:Virus X, Fritt Vilt 3, Let me In,Predators,Camp Hope,Bear,Hisss,Gacy House,The Ward,The Traveler, The Dark Lurking, Casa celor 13 fantome,etc.; comedie:FootLoose,Arthur Christmas(acum ca vine si Craciunul,Johny English Reborn,Thank You,The Emperor's Children, Crazy Stupid Love, 50/50, Nailed,Manuale d`am3re,Just Go With It,Madea's Big Happy Family, Monte Carlo, The Change Up(asta`i fenomenal
) ). Sper ca te-am ajutat.O zi buna!
The Hangover1/2,The Grudge,Just go with it,Low cost,Bad teacher,Boy Toy, Larry Crowne, Mr. Popper's Penguins
Intra aici: http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme-2010/ si iti poti alege genul si ai destule filme acolo. Sa-ti fie de bine:D
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