dead silence
mirrors 1 si 2
the descent 1 si 2
storm of the century
wrong turn 5
children of the corn 1 si 2
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D
The Possession
House at the End of the Street (2012)
Truth or Die (2012)
Donner Pass (2012)
ATM (2012)
The Haunting of Whaley House (2012)
Dracula 3D (2012)
Barricade (2012)
Barricade (2012)
The Darkest Hour (2011)
The Thing (2011)
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2011)
Drug me to hell, The woman in black, The exorcism of Emily Rose si Jenifer's Body.
Ghost ship, la hernecia valdemar,`motelul groazei si sunt o gramada dupa ce le vizionezi pe astea contacteaza-ma si o sa iti dau mai multe
-When the Lights Went Out
-The Possession
-30 Days of Night: Dark Days
-Dead Space Aftermath
-Fertile Ground
-247 Degrees Fahrenheit
-Wrong Turn 5
Exorcista,King Kong, sunt multe chiar si seriale pe Universal Channel.ex Printre Oameni.
Top 10 filme de groaza pe care trebuie sa le vezi – cele mai tari filme horror
Chuki,the ring, exorcismul lui emily rose(asta e astazi la pro tv la 00:15),the grudge,masina mortii,iadul pe pamant,varcolacii, chupacabra, prada fiarelor, the possession, ghost schip.o sa iti zic mai multe daca vrei!
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