1. "Twilight"
2. "Titanic"
3. "Remember Me"
4. "Abduction"
5. "A Walk To Remember"
6. "Beastly"
7. "Monte Carlo"
8. "The Messengers"
9. "Mirrors"
10. "Vampire Suck"
11. "Water For Elephants"
12. "Blade"
13. "Big Mamma"
14. "The Hot Chick"
15. "Spot"
16. "Home Alone"
17. "The Last House on The Left"
18. "Underworld"
19. "The Last Song"
20. "Harry Potter"
Terminator 1,2; robocop 1, 2, 3; predator 1, 2; tekken blood vengeange, red dog, freerunner, etc.
Heii, uite aici cateva filme mai mult cu adolescenti si de dragoste pe care le-am vazut si mi-au placut foarte mult, si cu siguranta tii le recomand
a walk to remember
dear john
the last song
charlie st cloud
step up 1, 2, 3
the jerk theory
mean girls
wild child
one day
letter to juliet
love and other drugs
sweet november
center stage: turn it up
the lost valentine
valentine's day
if only
just my luck
the notebook
raise your voice
the break up artist
a cinderella story
another cinderella story
easy a
prom (2011)
bring it on 1, 2, 3, 4
picture this
Astea sunt doar cateva din preferatele mele...
vizionare placuta :*
Diavolul se imbraca de la Prada,razboiul mireselor,a walk to remeber,plan de rezerva,roomate,orfana,one missed call,despre fercire si alte minciuni,vacanta all inclusiv,monte carlo,intalnire cu surprize, the grudge, alone si cam atat
Home Alone
Sorority Boys
Scary Movie 4
Big Momma's House 2
Mrs Doubtfire
Pe aripile vantului,legendele toamnei,sa nu spui niciodata adio,undeva candva,zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci, scrisori catre Dumnezeu, sunt mult mai multe...
The Godfather, Scent of a woman, All the pretty horses, Pride and prejudice, The notebook,The pianist,Hachiko: a dog story,Pearl Harbor, Me myself and Irene,A beautifull mind,The Count of Monte Cristo, Lord of war, Felon, La vita e bella, A guy thing. Dupa ce le vezi pe astea imi spui sa-ti mai zic cateva Vizionare placuta
We are the night (2010). The Last Airbender (2010). SF amandoua. Fundita daca-ti plac?
Never let me go.[Drama]
Masacrul din Texas.[Horror]
Carver.[Horror-dar a fost foarte tare]
In rest filmele de drama.
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