1.The year without a Santa Claus.
2.Craciun cu scantei.
3.Santa Claus 3 : The Eascape Claus.
4.Santa Baby.
5.The real Santa.
6.Craciun fericit.
7.Mos Craciun isi cauta Craciunita
8.Partenera lui Mos Craciun.
9.A boyfriend for Christmas.
10.Stealing Christmas.
11. Eloise at Chrstams time.
12.Christams Vacantion 2.
13.The Santa trap.
14.I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus.
15.Santa Jr.
14.A Christmas Visitor.
15. Once upon a Christmas.
16.Santa Who?
17.How the Grinch stole Christmas.
18.Magia Craciunului.
19.Cantec de Craciun.
20.Richi Richs Christmas wish.
21.Santa with muscles.
22.Cine este Mos Craciun.
23.Hercule Poirots Christmas.
24.A Christman Story.
25. White Christmas.
1.Miracle on 34th Street
2.It’s a Wonderful Life
3.A Christmas Carol
4.The Santa Clause
5.Christmas Vacation
7.Home Alone
8.Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
9.Trapped in Paradise
10. Jack Frost
11. Jingle All the Way
12.The Polar Express
13.How the Grinch Stole Christmas
14.The Family Man
15.Surviving Christmas
Eu ti-as recomanda Home alone...care este o comedie savuroasa ...Si hotii vin acasa de Craciun, si acesta este un film frumos din punctul meu de vedere
Sper ca ti-am fost de folos
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