The Thing (2011),Final Destination 5(2011),Fright Night(2011),Shark Night 3D(2011),Priest(2011),Scream 4(2011),The Rite(2011),Chain Letter(2010),Demon(2010),Resident Evil :After Life(2010),El Orfanato(2007),The Collector(1965 e un film foarte Horror nu ti-l recomand daca esti slab de inima) Shutter Island(2010) bafta la vizionare daca mai vrei da'mi mesaj
The Shining, destinatie finala 1, 2, 3,4,5,the rite,The Exorcist,Orphan,saw, mirrors, the ring 1 si 2, the gruge. Dupa mine astea ar fi. Fundita?
The Thing (2011),Final Destination 5(2011),Fright Night(2011),Shark Night 3D(2011),Priest(2011),Scream 4(2011),The Rite(2011),Chain Letter(2010),Demon(2010),Resident Evil :After Life(2010),El Orfanato(2007),The Collector(1965 e un film foarte Horror nu ti-l recomand daca esti slab de inima) Shutter Island(2010) bafta la vizionare daca mai vrei da'mi mesaj
Saw, Quarantine, The ring, The ruins, Cosmarul de pe Elm Street, The Last House on the Left, When a Stranger Calls (la asta am stat cu sufletu` la gura ), Welcome to ZombieLand, Eraser, Tatal vitreg, Cosmarul alb, Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon, The final destination, Orphan, Anaconda 4: Trail of Blood
Daca vrei film horror uitete la Saw 5 sau Saw 6 sau chiar la niste secvente din Saw 7 ai sa te saturi de horror dupa ce le vezi pe astea... Sau poti sa te uiti la Masacrul din Texas... FUNDA!
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