Dans la brume – Toxic (2018),How It Ends (2018),I Think We're Alone Now (2018),Le temps du loup (2003),Cargo (2017),This Is The End (2013),Quantum Apocalypse (2010),2012: Ice Age (2011),Into The Storm (2014),Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World (2012),Phase 7 (2011),Melancholia (2011),Knowing (2009),Skyline 1 și 2 (2010/2012),Cloverfield (2008),10 Cloverfield Lane (2016),The Road (2009),Contagion (2011),Aftershock (2012),4:44 Last Day On Earth (2011),The Colony (2013),Carriers (2009),mai poți să încerci:The World's End (2013),After The Dark (The Philosophers 2013), The Divide (2011),District 9 (2009),The Rover (2014),The Signal (2014),Snowpiercer (2013),Wyrmwood (2014),How I Live Now (2013),Perfect Sense (2011),San Andreas (2015),The 5th Wave (2016)
Seriale:Between,Terra Nova, The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead, The Messengers, The Leftovers, Resurrection, Under The Dome, The Returned (2015/sau Les revenants (2012),12 Monkeys, The Last Ship, Helix, In The Flesh, Dominion, Z Nation, Hard Sun, Containment, The 100
Geostorm (2017), World War Z (2013),The Road (2009), 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016), This Is the End (2013), War of the Worlds (2005), Deep Impact (1998), The Core (2003), Armageddon (1998), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), Sunshine (2007), Interstellar (2014), Edge of Tomorrow (2014), seria Resident Evil, 28 Days Later... (2002), Mars Attacks! (1996), On the Beach (2000)
Seriale: The Last Ship, The Ship (El Barco), The 100, Falling Skies, Jeremiah, The Walking Dead, Jericho, miniseriile : Impact, The Stand
Dans la brume – Toxic (2018),How It Ends (2018),I Think We're Alone Now (2018),Le temps du loup (2003),The Colony (2013),The Crazies (2010),Cargo (2017),Phase 7 (2011),San Andreas (2015)
Hello! Iti las un link la un articol care cred ca iti va placea. Si serialele cu roboti tind sa fie intr-o oarecare masura despre apocalipsa http://trendygirl.ro/......iciala/139
Day z unul foarte fain, independence day, san andreas toate fff bune si mno nu-mi amintesc restul chiar acum dar poti cauta pe google similar movies si pui numele la astea si gasesti
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