The Best Of Me (2014),Tulip Fever (2017),The Space Between Us (2017),La La Land (2016),The Kissing Booth (2018),Every Day (2018),Across The Universe (2007),Endless Love (2014),Love,Rosie (2014),5 To 7 (2014),What If (2013),In Your Eyes (2014),Song To Song (2017),,Birth (2004),,Isn't It Romantic (2019)
Kissing booth, Newness, Midnight sun, Love Simon, Ibiza, Before I fall, Tuturor băieților pe care i-am iubit, Blue lagune 1, 2, 3... astea sunt superbe
Refugiu pe viata (Film de nota 10)
Dear John
Cat romantism!
Cabina de săruturi
Tuturor băieților pe care i-am iubit
Talismanul norocos(de la mine are nota 10)
De neînlocuit
Calendarul de craciun
No kiss list
P.s. I love you
If Only
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