Daca iti plac filmele de dragoste, iti sugerez cateva:
The Notebook
A walk to remember
Love Story
Dear John
If Only
Remember Me
Sweet November
My sassy girl
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
City of Angels
Jane Eyre
Autumn in New York
The Painted Veil
The English Patient
The Bridges of Madison County
The Lake House
Somewhere in Time
Sper sa-ti placa:*
Disaster movie-comedie
number 23-triler
paranormal activity 1, 2-de groaza
saw1, 2, 3...crek pana la 9-thriler horror the groaza
butterfly effect 1, 2, 3-psihologie
Shutter island
Black swan
Life as a house
The other boleyn girl
Patch Adams
Life as we know it
The proposal
Mie mi-au placut foarte mult 2 filme:
Despicable me (anime). Iata traileru' :
Filmul e bestial! Ar trebui sa-l vezi.Al doilea film care mi-a placut e in romana (adica jumatate romana jumatate engleza).L-am vazut ieri la cinema si mi s-a parut foarte bun filmul.Se numeste Nașa Uite traileru' :
Si pe asta trebuie neaparat sa-l vezi! Si unul ca bonus: 50 first dates.
O zi frumoasa!
Genul romantic/comedy: (mai multe romance)
3 metri deasupra cerului
a walk to remember
big daddy
Cindrella (filmul nu desen animat)
Cruel Intentions
Dear John
Dumnezeu pentru o zi
Viata e frumoasa ( la vida e bela)
Freaky Friday
Her best move
Ice Princess
It's a boy girl thing
Just go with it
Mamma Mia
material Girls
Mean Girls
P.S I love you
Scary movie 1, 2, 5
Titanic 1
Wild Child
The machinist(Masinistul),Silence of the lambs(Tacerea mieilor),Meet Joe Black(Intalnire cu Joe Black),Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind(Stralucirea eterna a mintii neprihanite), Lolita, 4 luni 3 saptamani 2 zile, If OnlySa le vizionezi cu placere!
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