Now Is Good (2013),Never Let Me Go (2010),The Last Song (2010),Waiting For Forever (2010),Endless Love (2014)
Safe haven
The lucky one
Amândouă sunt inspirate din romanele lui Nicholas Sparks.
Ce que le jour doit à la nuit – Ceea ce ziua datorează nopţii
Chasing Liberty
Anna Karenina
Letters to Juliet
The Vow
17 again
One day
Charlie St.Cloud
Sweet November
The Prince and Me
The last song
Easy A
So Undercover
Waiting for forever
What a girl wants
Whatever it takes
The lucky one
Sper sa iti placa
Divergent,The Hunger Games, Tres sombres el cielo, Titanic, Dorintele Lolei. pup
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