Wrong turn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
The hills have eyes 1, 2
The hills run red
Leprechaun : Origins
The Breed
Cabin fever 3
The Cabine in the Woods
Shawn of the dead
Vineri 13
Evil Dead
Rest Stop 1, 2
Wolf Creek 1, 2
Vacancy 1, 2
Jeepers Creepers 1, 2
The Wicked
House on haunted hill 1, 2
Haunting of Whaley house
Paranormal activity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The Conjuring
Exeter. Vizionare placuta!
Filme de animatie nu stiu, scuze.
La filmele de groaza ai putea vedea seria Insidious, Unfriended, The Conjuring, Drag Me To Hell, Sinister, The Babadook, cam astea imi vin in minte deocamdata. Daca te-a ajutat raspunsul meu nu ezita sa dai si o funda, salutare!
Filme horror? hm...
The lost (2009) cu armand assante, dina meyer si lacey chabert
Scarecrow (2013) cu lacey chabert, nicole munoz
Black Christmas (2006) cu Katie Cassidy, Michelle Trachtenberg si Lacey Chabert
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