Paranormal activity(1-4)
REC(doar unu si doi)
El orfanto
Silent hill
The Tunnel
Blair witch project
The Others
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Ju-on( The Grudge in varianta americana)
Ringu( originalul variantei americane The Ring)
The omen(originalul)
The Exorcist(originalul)
The Haunting in Connecticut
The Awakening
The Woman in black
Room 1408
The Uninvited
The Strangers
Dead Birds
Tale of two sisters
The Ward
The Hills Have Eyes
The Strangers
The Ruins
(The)Last House on the Left
Grave encounters
The Innkeepers
Dead Birds
The Unborn
The Ward
The Possesion
The Amytiville Horror
The Descent
I spit on your grave
The Messengers
From Dusk Till Dawn (2014), Diabolique (1996), The Birds (1963), Santa sangre (1989), They Live (1988), Bedevilled (2010)...
Insidious 1,2 și 3 (2010/2013/29 Mai 2015), The Cabin In The Woods (2012),Wrong Turn (seria), Inbred (2011),Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013),Drag Me To Hell (2009),The Unborn (2009),Case 39 (2009),Martyrs (2008),The Mist (2007),The Wicked (2013),The Quiet Ones (2014),Oculus (2013),Friday The 13th (2009),Cabin Fever 1 și 2 (2002/2009),Haunted (Dark House 2014), Stitch (2014),The Woman In Black (2012),Sinister (2012),Haunt (2013),13 Sins (2014),Mischief Night (2014),Scary Or Die (2012),Catacombs (2007),Beneath The Darkness (2011),Beneath (V) (2013),7500 (2014),The Descent (2005),The Strangers (2008),You're Next (2011),Deliver Us From Evil (2014),Jeepers Creepers 1 și 2 (2001/2003), Leprechaun: Origins (2014),Open Grave (2013),Modus Anomali (2012),Antiviral (2012),The Appearing (2014),The Conjuring (2013),Annabelle (2014),The Canal (2014),Animal (2014),Devil's Due (2014),Rosemary's Baby (2014/miniserie),The Babadook (2014),Aux yeux des vivants (2014),See No Evil 2 (2014) //The Woman In Black 2: Angel Of Death (20 02 2015), Sinister 2 (Aug. 2015), The Unborn 2 (2015?)
The Grudge 1, 2, 3, 4 (la asta e de groaza daca te uii singur)
Drag me into Hell (e posibil sa nu mai dormi noaptea cam o saptamana )
The grudge nu prea m-au speriat...
Drag me to hell l-am vazut cand aveam 10 ani nu m-a speriat nici ala chiar asa mult
Scuze atunci ) Am mai vazut si altele, dar astea mi s-au parut cele mai horror. Scary Movie, nu-s de fel de groaza sunt numai aiureli.
-casa de ceară
-femeia în negru
-the haunting in connectitut
P-astea le știu
Le-am vazut pe toate
Mersi oricum
The conjuring (merită văzut, doar nu te uita singur şiiiiiiii poţi să ţi-l downloadezi in calcularor sauuuu să-l cauţi hd).
UnchiulRamiz întreabă:
Alexandru_Cepeş_1996 întreabă: