Memoirs of a Geisha;
the boy in the striped pyjamas;
the lovely bones;
Just Married;
A Beautiful Mind;
She's the Man;
hotel for dogs;
shutter island;
What Happens in Vegas;
The Illusionist;
The Blind Side;
letters to god;
Salt-actiune(personajul principal-Angelina Jolie)
The last house on the left-horror
On missed call-horror
7 days to live
Titanic(sigur il stii, mi-a placut mult)
Big Mommas 3, Drive Angry, Elephant white, Faster, Gullivers Travels 2010, Inception, Just Go With It, Let Me In, Limitless 2011, Mean Girls 2, Paul 2011, Repo Men, S.W.A.T Firefight, The Rite, The Experiment 2010, Unstoppeable.
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