Astea nu sunt filme noi. Dar le-am vazut si merita :
1.House of Wax
2. Misterul Gemenilor
3.My ex
4.The last house on the left
5.Colectionarul de ochi
7.The Ward
8.The ring (1 si 2)
9.Red Riding Hood (Preferatu` meu)
10.The room 1408
11.Road Train
12. Wake Wood
13.Never open the door
14. Texas Chainsaw Massacre : Tebegininng
17.Saw (5, 6,7)
18.The gruadge 1, 2
19. Quarantine 2 :Terminal
20.Stake Land
21.Play dead
23.The aregonian
24.The last exorcism
25.House of max
26Wrong Turn 1, 2, 3
Man on a Ledge
The Grey
Underworld: Awakening
Sunt putinele filme aparute in 2012 care imi plac! Sper ca am fost de ajutor, succes!
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