| nike19 a întrebat:

Vreun film asemanator american pie ( 1-8 ) stiti? as vrea sa ma uit la niste filme si nu am nici o idee

3 răspunsuri:
| Doreliana a răspuns:

The ugly truth
The proposal
The hangover 1 si 2
Freaky friday
Next friday
Friday after next
13 going on 30
Just like heaven
American virgin
Van wilder
Boat trip
Road trip
Euro trip
Disaster movie
First daughter
Picture perfect
Try seventeen
Get him to the greek
Our family wedding
Hanging up
Cop out
The perfect man
Husband for hire
The back-up plan
Going the distance
Why did i get married too
Death at a funeral
Lottery ticket
Leap year
When in rome
cred ca iti ajunghappy cand mai vrei anuntamahappyvizionare placuta

| nike19 explică (pentru Doreliana):

Da,deocamdata imi ajung :* mersi o sa mai revin happy tot din astea gen american pie-comedie, de tineri, din astea panarama

| Xennofull a răspuns:

In stilullui American Pie este''Marea mahmureala'' are 2 parti e super tare.winking