Now Is Good
Sweet November
A Walk To Remember
Remember me
The Notebook
If Only
One Day
Dear John
The Last Song
Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Forrest Gump
Edward Scissorhands
The Pursuit Of Happiness
Everybody's fine
Remember me
What dreams may come
Rachel getting married
Bride wars(desi e cam copilaros)
The notebook
Titanic(cred ca nici nu se pune problema)
Hachiko(chiar a fost. foarte trist)
The curious case of Benjamin Button
A walk to remember
On Golden Pond
La filmele astea chiar am plans, sunt mai emotiva de fel.
The Wrestler
Stand by Me
Edward Scissorhand
The bucket list
Titanic, clar.
Seven Pounds
Million Dollar Baby
Cinema Paradiso
Field of Dreams
The Green Mile
Dear John
The last song
La vita e bella
The Reader
American History X
Cinciaeci de grade sub zero.E tot cu caini, husky chiar:un tip pleaca in alaska pentru cercetare(el fiind musher)si pentru ca porneste o furtuna trebuie sa isi lase echipa de caini acolo. Sper sa iti placa.
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