-Harry Potter! Mai ales cartile, sunt geniale.
-A Walk to Remember (Romantic, Drama cu adolescenti.foarte popular si frumos film)
-The Notebook (cel mai frumos film de dragoste pe care l-am vazut in viata mea, am si plans)
-X-men (Daca ai chef de actiune, desi mi s-au parut cam batrani actorii aia pentru personaje. Oricum o sa mai apara vreo trei filme X-men cu alti actori intr-un an sau doi)
-Awake (Cu Jessica Alba, FOARTE interesant, putin thriller)
-Dramele Coreene de pe TVR1? Te-ai uitat? Sunt super, chiar daca nu mi-a placut genul ala niciodata, m-au prins. Daca o sa le mai dea vreodata in reluare sa te uiti la ele! (Se numesc Giuvaierul Palatului/Dae Janggeum, Furtuna La Palat/Yi San, Secretele De La Palat/The Great Queen SeonDeok).
-Ice Age 1, 2, 3 (Asa de fun, dar sigur le-ai vazut).
-Lion King 1 si 2 (Cele mai frumoase filme Disney ever. E in topul celor mai frumoase animatii din lume.Genial si touching).
-Avatar (spectaculos daca-l vezi in 3D).
-Raise Your Voice (Il recomand doar pentru ca e cu Hilary Duff).
-Wild Child (Cu Emma Roberts, interesant film cu adolescenti , cum ajunge de la o fitoasa la.)
-Confessions of a Shopaholic (Sa vezi cum se face de rahat o tipa pentru shopping, saraca ).
-She's Out of My League (Comedie Romantica destul de recenta cu Alice Eve).
Daca vrei sa vezi cum sunt filmele de mai sus intra pe cinemagia.ro si pur si simplu scrie numele filmului la search acolo.
Si cauta alte filme pe cinemagia acolo, gasesti de toate.
A walk to remember
Bright Star
Remember Me
My Sassy Girl
The Last song
Sweet November
Love story
The notebook
The Lake House
An Education
Raise Your Voice
17 Again
A Cinderella Story
American Virgin
American pie
Another cinderella story
High School Musical
Hard Candy
Just My Luck
Save the Last Dance 1, 2
She's All That
She's Out of My League
She's Too Young
The Girl Next Door
Youth in Revolt
Wild Child
White Oleander
American Beauty
Coyote Ugly
Step up 1, 2, 3
Love don't cost a thing
Down to you
Prom Night
It's a Boy Girl Thing
Normal Adolescent Behavior
The Flyboys
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
I Could Never Be Your Woman
Kids in America
The Kids Are All Right
Teenage Caveman
Full of it
Super Sweet 16
Material Girls
Freaky friday
Not another teen movie
Sex Drive
John Tucker must die
18 Year Old Virgin
Sper ca te-am ajutat:*
Dc tie frica sa te uiti la filme horror? eu numa la alea ma uit dar poti cauta pe net ca eu tot timpul gasesc
Pai eu am vazut acum de curand :
The last airbender
Ucenicul vrajitor
The last song
Shrek forever after
Iti propun sa te uiti pe cinemagia. si gasesti filme de toate genurile, din toti anii...vizionare placuta!
The House Bunny
A Cinderella Story
Mean girls
Love don’t cost a thing
American pie 1(Toate seriile)
Cruel intentions
She’s all that
Boys and girls
Down to you
Not another teen movie
10 things I hate about you
The breakfast club
Bring it on
Save the last dance
Step up
Just my luck
The perfect man
Cadet Kelly
The girl next door
Raise your voice
The Lizzie McGuire Movie
It’s a Boy Girl Thing
What a girl wants
Prom Night
John Tucker Must Die
She’s the man
Sex drive
I love you Beth Cooper
Post Grad
The sisterhood of traveling pants
College road trip
Freaky Friday
50 first dates
7 things to do before I’m 30
Just friends
First daughter
The last song
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sos os os sos sosososo soos oooossssss
1. 2Fast2Furious (curse cu masini)
2. Kung fu dunk (actiune)
3. Nothing to lose (comedie)
4. Boomerang (comedie)
5. Viata in puscarie (comedie)
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