Aaron – Male – Means shining light, or messenger. This dog will wake you in the morning and bring you the mail.
Adina – Female – Good and noble, this girl will make you proud.
Agnes – Female – Means pure – this dog will keep you on the straight and narrow (so long as it leads to the parca!)
Alfred – Male – Means wise counsellor, he’ll make sure you choose the best routes for walks and meet interesting people.
Alistair – Male – Means defender and helper. He’ll guard your house and keep his toys tidy.
Ally McBeagle – Female – A great dog for a lawyer, she’ll make sure you don’t get taken for a ride, and introduce you to some cool guys.
Andre – Male – Means strong and manly- this guy will be out pulling the ladies as well as pulling your leash!
Bagel – Unisex – Bagel the beagle – This dog’s at their freshest first thing in the morning before breakfast.
Bandit – Male – Keep an eye on your sandwiches with him in the house, maybe get a lock for the refrigerator…
Basil – Male – Means majestic and kingly, this dog will want a gold collar and luxury basket (preferably fur lined).
Bruce – Male – Means "from the thicket" – so hopefully he’ll get himself out of the rough patches on his own. Good name for a hound dog.
Callie – Female – Means affectionate, this one will want to stay close and sleep under the duvet with you.
Cheeky – Unisex – Bold, impudent and saucy, this dog will run circles around you.
Colonel – Male – This dog will run the household with military precision. Good choice for a male beagle.
Danny – Male – Short for Daniel – means "The Lord is My Judge", so expect this dog to behave well.
Dodger – Unisex – This dog will be hard to catch, so make sure you keep hold of that leash! This is one of the best beagle dog names.
Frisbee – Unisex – this dog will keep you on your toes and never get tired out.
Gilbert – Male – Means bright promise – this dog will never let you down. Very nice name for a male beagle dog.
Harper – Unisex – Harp player, this dog will sing you gently to sleep (Ok not so gently!)
Henry – Male – Ruler of the estate, this boy will boss you around and patrol the garden regularly. Excellent choice for your beagle puppy.
Jamie – Male – This name means takes the place of another – well no dog’ll take this one’s place, he’ll be really special.
Jude – Unisex – Good name for a male or female dog – maybe a dog who can’t make up his or her mind?
Lenny – Male – As brave as a lion, this dog will keep you very safe. Take this beagle with you when you go hunting.
Linus – Male – This dog might not win the Nobel Peace Prize but he’ll outsmart you, so watch out for his tricks.
Logan – Unisex – This name means "little hollow" so make sure you feed this dog regularly, but it’ll never be enough!
Memphis – Unisex – This dog will sing the blues, so better warn the neighbours!
Moonshine – Unisex – This dog will disappear at night, so keep an eye on him. This beautiful beagle name is especially good for a female puppy.
Noodle – Unisex – this crazy dog acts like they’ve lost theirs!
Nutmeg – Female – This lady will add some spice to your life!
Peanut – Unisex – At least this dog will be cheap to treat, but watch out - they’re a little monkey!
River – Unisex – Means free-spirited, so this dog will be in the water without asking. Isn’t this name is gorgeous? Any hound dog will love it.
Sade – Female – This dog will love to sing, especially jazz.
Scooter – Unisex – Sudden bursts of speed will leave you off-balance, so watch out around the house with this active dog.
Scout – Male – This dog likes to be out in front, so better buy a LONG leash! Perfect match for the male beagle puppy.
Snoopy – Male – well, wHi not name your beagle after the most famous beagle on the planet!
Sparky – Unisex – Means lively, so make sure you can give this one lots of exercise.
Tango – Unisex - This dog loves to dance, and will be your partner for life.
Tess – Female – Means harvester, this dog will go gather her own supper, so watch out for bones around the place. This is ideal name for a hound breed like beagle.
Tora – Female – Means tiger, this dog will be constantly on the prowl.
Vegas – Unisex – This dog is an absolute winner!
Wilbur – Male – Means determined and clever, so watch out he’ll always get his own way in the end.
Zero – Unisex – This dog has no faults at all, but you know where to look if something doesn’t add up…
Nume romanesti pentru un Beagle nu am gasit.
http://www.dog-names-and-more.com/Male-Beagle-Names.html daca totusi te intereseaza :) Poate unele nume se pot traduce.
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