Buna! Sper ca stii engleza "German Rottweilers are said to be shorter, stockier and have a bigger blockier head, and American Rottweilers are said to be taller and leggier without as blocky a head. Others claim a Rottweiler is a Rottweiler. Either way, the fact remains that there ARE breeders breeding for the German Rottweiler look, which goes outside the AKC standard, while others are breeding for the American Rottweiler look, sticking to, or closer to, the AKC standard.
All Rottweilers do descend from Germany, where they were bred for herding and guarding livestock. However, having been bred for over 200 years, it's not unbelievable that variations have appeared in the breed. The 'American Rottweiler' is probably so named because it resembles the AKC standards of a Rottweiler, whereas the 'German Rottweilers' meet the standards of the ADRK and because of stricter breeding standards, more closely meet the ideal quality of a Rottweiler."
In cateva cuvinte/rottweiler-ul german este mai mic de statura(mai exact cei de talie medie spre mare) si cu capul mai mare,iar cel american ca talie este mai inalte(cei de talie mare). Oricum,rottweiler-ul e unul singur,care a aparut in Germania pentru paza turmelor, doar aspectul e diferit. Cred ca cei americani, au fost imperecheati in continuare dorind sa schimbe rasa spunand ca au si ei un rott al lor... oricum, cel original e gel german, de talie medie spre mare.
Nu prea imi dau seama. dar cred ca au fost incrucisati cu alte rase sau doar cu o singura rasa de caine diferita. iare ei probabil ca au fost descoperiti in acele locuri
Rottweilerul american este mai inalt si are structura craniului mai echilibrata, pe cand Rottweilerul german este mai scund si are masa musculara mult mai dezvoltata. Ambii sunt caini cu tendinte de agresivitate, nerecomandati copiilor, nu prea pot lega prietenii cu strainii, dar se ataseaza cu siguranta de stapan, daca ii ofera afectiunea cuvenita.
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