| xgh3n123 a întrebat:

Am o problema cu internetu, eu folosesc browserul google chrome si de fiecare data cand intru pe facebook imi apare un http taiat sus in stanga si scrie cam asa la ajuta-ma sa inteleg : When you connect to a secure website, the server hosting that site presents your browser with something called a "certificate" to verify its identity. This certificate contains identity information, such as the address of the website, which is verified by a third party that your computer trusts. By checking that the address in the certificate matches the address of the website, it is possible to verify that you are securely communicating with the website you intended, and not a third party (such as an attacker on your network).

Certificates have a validity period, much like any identity document (such as a passport) that you may have. The certificate presented to your browser is not yet valid. When a certificate is outside of its validity period, certain information about the status of the certificate (whether it has been revoked and should no longer be trusted) is not required to be maintained. As such, it is not possible to verify that this certificate is trustworthy. You should not proceed.AS DORI SI EU SA MA AJUTE CINEVA SA POT STA PE FACEBOOK!

4 răspunsuri:
| al3xander a răspuns:

Uite-te daca data calculatorului este buna. eroare este din cauza ca ai data eronata la calculator si certificatul are o data de emitere si una de expirare si de asta nu recunoaste certificatul (se foloseste pentru site-urile securizate de protocol tip HTTPS)

| SunnyDay88 a răspuns:

Seteaza corect ora si data la calculator!

| Satanelmic a răspuns:

Nu m-ai bine ne-ai pune un link cu un screenshot? Asa nu inteleg nimic sad