Ciobanesc German, normal! Am si eu unul si:
1. Este foarte desteapta.
2. Pe langa,, desteapta'' mai este si frumoasa!
3. Face niste salturi prin curte la mine... te prapadesti de ras!
4. E jucausa FOC!
5. Daca ai sta 3 ore cu un ciobanesc german ca ea ai fi tot rosu la fata, pentru ca razi continuu.
Asta e parerea mea despre Ciobanescul German si sper sa alegi varianta corecta!
Ciobanesc german! Este foarte inteligent, se dreseaza usor si e bun si de paza si pentru joaca...
Eu as alege Akita Inu.Sunt foarte frumosi, destepti si speciali. Asta e parerea mea.
Ai aceleasi pareri ca si mine.
Ciobanesc german. Loial si inteligent. Rau daca e musai. Labrador... mai prietenos caine ca si asta nu este. S-ar putea sa plece impreuna cu hotul din casa daca e pana acolo.
akita. The Akita today is a unique combination of dignity, courage, alertness, and devotion to its family. It is extraordinarily affectionate and loyal with family and friends, territorial about its property, and can be reserved with strangers. It is feline in its actions; it is not unusual for an Akita to clean its face after eating, to preen its kennel mate, and to be fastidious in the house
The temperament of the Golden Retriever is a hallmark of the breed and is described in the standard as "kindly, friendly and confident".[15] Golden Retrievers are great family pets and get along great with children.[22] They are not "one man dogs" and are generally equally amiable with both strangers and those familiar to them.[10] Their trusting, gentle disposition makes them a poor guard dog.[23] Any form of unprovoked aggression or hostility towards either people, dogs or other animals, whether in the show ring or community, is completely unacceptable in a Golden Retriever and is not in keeping with the character of the breed. As such is considered a serious fault.
Eu as alege Ciobanesc german... but that's just me.
Depinde. vrei mai mult un caine de paza? Sau unul de familie? E drum lung de la Golden la Akita.
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