Lista Community Chest:
>Advance to Go (Collect $200)
>Bank error in your favor – collect $75
>Doctor's fees – Pay $50
>Get out of jail free – this card may be kept until needed, or sold
>Go to jail – go directly to jail – Do not >pass Go, do not collect $200
>It is your birthday Collect $10 from >each player
>Grand Opera Night – collect $50 from >every player for opening night seats
>Income Tax refund – collect $20
>Life Insurance Matures – collect $100
>Pay Hospital Fees of $100
>Pay School Fees of $50
>Receive $25 Consultancy Fee
>You are assessed for street repairs – >$40 per house, $115 per hotel
>You have won second prize in a >beauty contest– collect $10
>You inherit $100
>From sale of stock you get $50
>Holiday Fund matures - Receive $100
lsita Chance :
>Advance to Go (Collect $200)
>Advance to Illinois Ave.
>Advance token to nearest Utility. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total ten times the amount thrown.
>Advance token to the nearest Railroad and pay owner twice the rental to which he/she is otherwise entitled. If Railroad is unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. (There are two of these.)
>Advance to St. Charles Place – if you pass Go, collect $200
>Bank pays you dividend of $50
>Get out of Jail free – this card may be kept until needed, or traded/sold
>Go back 3 spaces
>Go directly to Jail – do not pass Go, do not collect $200
>Make general repairs on all your property – for each house pay $25 – for each hotel $100
>Pay poor tax of $15
>Take a trip to Reading Railroad – if you pass Go collect $200
>Take a walk on the Boardwalk – advance token to Boardwalk
>You have been elected chairman of the board – pay each player $50
>Your building loan matures – collect $150
>You have won a crossword competition - collect $100
Se putea pe romana dar e bun.
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