Niciuna nu e mai buna decat cealalta.
Fiecare are plusuri si minusuri, si asta e valabil chiar si in gama superioara de pret.
Depinde ce ai tu nevoie.
Advantages of the Canon EOS 200D:
Better moiré control: Has an anti-alias filter to avoid artificial patterns to appear in images.
Better video autofocus: Features on-sensor phase-detection for more confident movie autofocus.
Better sound: Can connect to an external microphone for higher quality sound recording.
More detailed LCD: Has a higher resolution screen (1040k vs 921k dots).
More flexible LCD: Has swivel screen for odd-angle shots in portrait or landscape orientation.
Fewer buttons to press: touch-sensitive rear screen
Easier device pairing: Supports NFC for fast wireless image transfer over short distances.
Reasons to prefer the Nikon D3400:
Maximized detail: Lacks an anti-alias filter to exploit the sensor's full resolution potential.
Better image quality: Scores markedly higher (7 points) in the DXO overall evaluation.
Richer colors: Generates noticeably more natural colors (1.2 bits more color depth).
Longer lasting: Gets more shots (1200 versus 650) out of a single battery charge.
Cu alte cuvinte, daca doresti doar foto, paleta extinsa de culori si durata de viata mare a bateriei, mergi pe Nikon.
Daca doresti video, microfon stereo/ sau conector pentru microfon extern, alege Canon.
Tot in zona aceasta de pret ar fi Nikon D5300,
care- desi mai vechi- nu e o alegere tocmai rea: ofera culori mai vibrante (14 biti versus 12 la D3400 si 39 puncte de autofocus cu detectie de faza, fata de 11 la D3400).
Sau incearca sa ajungi la D3500.
Daca esti pasionat de fotografie, conteaza mult obiectivul/obiectivele, nu camera.
Insa daca intentionezi sa o pastrezi multa vreme, as alege D3500 pentru simplul fapt ca e mai noua, si vine cu mici imbunatatiri fata de D3400. (senzor putin mai mare si imbunatatit, grip mai bun, baterie mai mare, greutate mai mica, Wi-Fi, si cam atat )
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