Note: Two ESET icons might appear after installation, just hover them and one will disappear.
Note: Vista users: If you have UAC enabled you will probably see a popup every time the scheduler goes of, solution: turn off UAC.
Note: After disabling 'Self-defense' you have to REBOOT your PC, BEFORE you install the mara-fix.
-: Thanks/Credits :-
Numele si prenumele ALBINARU NICOLITA
Adresa Str. I.L.Caragiale nr. 2, bl A34/1, cs. A, ap. 9, Rm. Valcea
Telefon 0350809845 0766590851
Data nasterii 05. 12. 01975
Starea civila Casatorita, 1 copil
Studii Liceul de Cooperatie Rm. Valcea
Atestat contabil – statistician
Cursuri de contabilitate
Studenta anul II, Menegement, Universitatea Constantin Brancoveanu
Experienta profesionala 1998 – 2002 vanzatoare SC Univers SA
2002 – 2006 casier SC Annabella SRL
2006 – present casier sef SC CDE R INTEREX SA Rm Valcea
APTITUDINI Bun organizator, spirit de echipa, responsabila, devotata, perseverenta, dorinta de autoperfectionare
Cunostiinte IT medi Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel
Obiective Satisfactii profesionale si materiale, posibilitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu competitiv