Nu ma lasa TPU sa-ti dau raspunsul pentru ca sunt cu majuscule codurile. O sa incerc sa-ti dau raspunsul prin mesaj, dar astept fundita
Mpkfa-mod invincibil mpjordan-sari foarte sus [astea sunt principalele] fundita`?
Stiu eu! pai dai la multiple apoi la primul ce iti apare dai clic apoi dai de doua ori enter si iti apare ceva negru si mai sus scrie 1, stergi si scrii nivelul care vr si dai dupa enter in continuare pana ce nu mai poti atunci dai click pe patratica din dreapta jos si apare nivelul atat!
Stiu eu! pai dai la multiple apoi la primul ce iti apare dai clic apoi dai de doua ori enter si iti apare ceva negru si mai sus scrie 1, stergi si scrii nivelul care vr si dai dupa enter in continuare pana ce nu mai poti atunci dai click pe patratica din dreapta jos si apare nivelul atat!
Full health mpapple
Enable anti-death tile mparmor
Full dynamite mpblaster
Toggle background mpbotless
Stronger Claw mpbunz
Invisibility mpcasper
Decrease screen resolution mpdecvid
Default screen resolution mpdefvid
Developers heads appear instead of treasure mpdevheads
View frame rate mpfps
Lightning sword mpfranklin
Catnip mpfreak
Full Magic mpgandalf
Goble information mpgoble
Turn enemies into ghosts mphaunted
Fire sword mphotstuff
Increase screen resolution mpincvid
Unlimited lives mpinfinity
320x200 resolution mpjazzy
Super jump mode mpjordan or mpflubber
God mode mpkfa
Monolith logos and music mplith, mplogo, or mpmonolith
Full ammunition mploaded
Full magic mpmerlin
Unknown mpmetrix
Toggle middle plane mpmidless
Bouncing treasure mpmoongoodies
Level skip mpnext
Jump higher mpnippy
Toggle onscreen information mpnoinfo
Show objects in bottom left corner mpobjects
Ice sword mppenguin
Unlimited lives mpplayallday
Shows global position mppos
Previous level mpprev
Full dynamite mppyro
Full ammo mprambo
Enable Roids mproids
Scorpio information mpscorpio
Claw is a shadow mpshadow
Claw is invisible to enemies mpspooky
Time displayed in bottom left corner mpstopwatch
Super throw mode mpsuperthrow
View timing data in top left corner mptiming
Toggle foreground mptopless
View update data in top left corner mpupdate
Invincibility mpvader
Level skip mpscully
Advance to the Boss mpskinner
Harder to kill enemies with the sword mpwimpy
Full magic mpgandolf
Increase enemy strength mpcultist
Advance to level 1 mpcheesesauce
Advance to level 2 mpexactly
Advance to level 3 mpracerohboy
Advance to level 4 mpbuddywhat
Advance to level 5 mpmugger
Advance to level 6 mpgoofcycle
Advance to level 7 mprotarypower
Advance to level 8 mpshibshank
Advance to level 9 mpwhyzedf
Advance to level 10 mpsuperhawk
Advance to level 11 mpjobnumber
Advance to level 12 mplistenandlearn
Advance to level 13 mpyeahright
Advance to level 14 mpclawteamrulez
Return to the previous level mpmoulder
Requires v1.2
Enable turbo mptwinturbo
Double range attack mplongrange
Next sound effect mpnoise
Music speed increases mpmaestro
Music speed decreases mplangsam
Normal music speed mpnormalmusic
Easy mode mpeasymode
Move around upside down mpwildwacky
Black and white graphics mpgloomy
MPKFA - sa ai arme infinite si vieti infinite
MPJORDAN - sa sari mai mult
MPSKINNER - treci direct la boss
MPSCULLY - treci la nivelul urmator uite coduri fundita?
Mda sa ma pis pe codurile voastre si sa imi bag **** joc linistit si imi zice: game no saved because your chated cam asa ceva scrie si nah cum *** sa nu te enervezi
Pai nu cred ca poti trece jocul cu coduri ca iti va scrie cam asa ceva: game no saved because your chated asa scrie
anonim_4396 întreabă:
Robert74G întreabă: