Control panel -> network connections -> create new connection -> next-> connect to the internet ->set up my connection manually -> connect using a broadband cu user si parola (selectezi bulina din mijloc)-> introduci nume isp (rds de exemplu)-> introduci datele dai next si gata
Conectezi modemul la PC si incearca asa: Start/Control Panel/ Network Connections/Create a New Connection si iti intra o fereastra de instalare New Connection Wizard, unde urmezi pasii ceruti. Succes si numai bine!
Start -> control panel ->network connections -> new network connection wizard -> connect to the internet -> next -> set up my conection manually -> connect using a broadband connection that requiers a usernam and a pasword ( undeva jos scrie ppoe) -> next -> isp name tastezi u -> next-> si de acolo bagi datele -> next