Cauta pe net marcaje argint si le vei gasi.Argintul are urmatoarele marcaje: 800, 900, 925, 999 mai sunt si cateva intermediare 835, 935 dar este argint vechi.
De fapt, ulterior am vazut si un,, 925''marcat pe cheita. 8801 era scris pe o,, tablita'' minuscula atasata lantisorului. Am aflat ca,, Thai Silver falls in between Sterling Silver and Fine Silver. It is strong enough to be crafted into smaller items which makes it perfect for jewelry-making. Thai silver also has the benefit of not tarnishing the way that Sterling does because there is no copper in Thai Silver. Most of the silver comes from the Hill Tribes''
Si eu am tot asa un lantisor de argint si pe placuta scrie 8801...lantul are si auriu si bronz pe el...cred ca e suflat cu aur
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