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Hey... Cum fac sa imi apara pe ecran poza si icoanele ca de exemplu My Computer ca de cateva saptamani nu imi apare. Va rog ajutati-ma. Uitati ce imi apare.
Active Desktop Recovery
Microsoft Windows has experienced an unexpected error. As a precaution, your Active Desktop has been turned off. To restore the Active Desktop, use the following troubleshooting tips:

Did your browser stop working, or did you restart your computer without shutting it down first? If so, click:

Did you recently change your background to a web page? If so:
1. Right-click the desktop and then click Properties.
2. On the Desktop tab, under Background, click the background you want.

Did you recently add a new item to your Active Desktop? If so:
1. Right-click the desktop and then click Properties.
2. On the Desktop tab, click Customize Desktop.
3. On the Web tab, under Web pages, clear the check box for the item that was added last.

Do you want to turn off your Active Desktop? If so:
1. Right-click the desktop and select Properties.
2. On the Desktop tab, click Customize Desktop.
3. On the Web tab, under Web pages, click to clear all the check boxes.

Răspuns Câştigător
| IonutGaby a răspuns:

Pai incearca sa reinstalezi window..decat sa te mai complici incearca aceasta varianta... alta varianta ar fi sa dai click dreapta pe desktop-personalize-in partea stanga scrie change desktop icons si seletezi ce inconita vrei(P.S. asa e la windows7/8)daca ai xp umbla prin control panel...sau probabil sa fi luat un virus..nush exact ce are dar incearca sa reinstalezi windows.