| BETTYNA a întrebat:

I recently copied over some pictures to my computer...they were encrypted from the storage card so they read REM file. I then tried opening up with windows picture and fax viewer, where it didnt show the image. i then tried putting them back on my phone so i could view them and that did not work. i pulled battery and turned off the encryption and changed file extension around. NOTHING seems to work...

4 răspunsuri:
| neluL a răspuns:

1.By telephone settings
Options>Media Card>Encrypt Media Files> No
Options>Media Card>Encryption Mode>None

2. Send your REM pics to your e-mail (yahoo mail) or upload them on facebook from your BlackBerry.
It will take time to do so, but it worth it! Then download the jpg image on Facebook or e-mail.

Make sure to keep the Encrypt mode OFF->by telephone.

Good luck!

| BETTYNA explică (pentru neluL):

Mersi pentru raspuns dar nu merge, am incercat si degeaba, si acum nici telefonul nu le mai citeste crying crying ...fisier necunoscut...

| coитⁿтρu a răspuns:

And what's your question?

| BETTYNA explică (pentru coитⁿтρu):

How i can change rem file to jpg file?